Sunday, May 25, 2008


The video "Portal" is a very "personal" experience for me. It illustrates the moment of "NOW" of a thin veil of dimensions that surround us at all times. When creating this video with animation it finally became "alive" for me. I experienced a "self-actualization" when my Soul recognized this "vision" and I felt that it was "home" in my deepest heartfelt feeling of a "journey out of body experience" as it came into view. My joy was emotionally tearful and the music melody assisted me to "experience" this eternity of time. I hope you can "see" and "feel" my experience in this video. This is a dedication to all the Souls in the Universe for "Memorial Day".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good choice in music. Got me into some introspection, more than just enjoyment. Nancy S