Friday, June 20, 2008


This video called "Flora" is a meditative channel of my Guardian Angel. The name came to me before I created the video. Originally I was thinking of the quote "flora and fauna" and flora defined is: "the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period." Also, Flora, capitalized is defined as:"Roman Mythology, the Goddess of Flowering Plants." In 1999 a Psychic told me my Guardian Angel is my Grandmother "Flora" who is the Mother of my Mother. I dedicate this video to my Grandmother (German descent) 1902 - 1971, Flora Elizabeth Katherine Caroline Steinmetz Rutherford

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really liked the flowers and the colors in this video. The music was a surprise, but I thought it went with the visuals very well. I wonder what Grandma would think? Nancy S