Thursday, June 5, 2008

"Emotion" "Apathy"

A Double Feature this week including a continuation of the Black & White Drawings with RED series. This week's videos are about two interesting concepts of the human experience, "EMOTION" and "APATHY". "Emotion" defined is: a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others: any of the particular feelings that characterize such a state of mind, such as joy, anger, love, hate, etc., instinctive or intuitive feeling as distinguished from "reasoning or knowledge." "Apathy" defined is: lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern: indifference, lack of unresponsiveness, impassivity and dispassion. The Fine Art Drawings were created in the 70s when I was in my 20s. I was interested in human behavior and what I experienced I saw within my Self. I do believe that emotion can be connected to intuition which has given me an advantage in my "Spiritual Journey" where I can "feel" and "see" the emotion in others which help me make more compassionate decisions and direct my Self in blessing and healing others by not allowing my Self to participate in their "negative experiences". As a "Spiritual Being" I do believe in some emotion that is very positive for the Soul because if you cry and laugh within reason; "GO FOR IT" because it will "cleanse" the body and mind! I have experienced "apathy" and it is a condition that "Blinds the Spirit" and we all should make a "choice" to heal ourselves "within" from the actual "experience" of its abuse in environment, social status, politics and religion and especially "Spirit" which affects all people, family and friends. My Drawing illustrates a specific subject but does not reflect my personal "experience" except for what I have "observed". "Apathy" occurs under some prejudices, judgement, extreme dislike for many reasons that are personal to an individual and in the process if it continues we will suffer major social advancement for the future of our "Spiritual Humanity".

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