Saturday, April 5, 2008


The video this week is a "Dream Painting" named "Raphael" created in 2006. A digital image of the painting animated with "new age" music. I have learn to create this new music with converter files on GarageBand Software of several tracks combined together called "angelic organ", "fontelina fifths" and "blipside" from a composed piano melody.
The name of the video is about the beautiful healing Archangel "Raphael" that you call upon to heal your Self in meditation or prayer. I hope "Raphael" brings you healing energies when you watch the video and helps you connect to this Beautiful Archangel. When creating the video I did feel a "presence" and had a beautiful large Moth (with beautiful markings) somehow land on my right shoulder in my Office where I work on my computer. It was big as my hand when I caught it to let it free outside my front door where it flew into a large Cypress Tree. It must have been a sign from the Universe so I hope I have succeeded in projecting the magical energy I felt in the creation of this video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello, i met you jessie, and your partner at target one evening. i was actually having a crisis, and for some reason thought wondering through target would help me from throwing myself into my swimming pool with a rock tied to my ankle. I told you that "what the bleep do we know" was a good movie. Maybe you remember, maybe you don't. But you gave me your card, and honestly running into people with some of the same view thats that night was very comforting.I'm doing much better now, and seeking inner peace, and healing. I really enjoy this piece Raphael, and the healing energy it brings! And i wanted to say its a beautiful site, and both yours, and your partners work is beautiful! hope all is well! Love Peace and Happiness!