Saturday, March 22, 2008

"Rainbow Spirit"

"Rainbow Spirit" is a place of the Heart. "She will catch your heart and make you warm". This "Artistic Vision" was painted in the year 2000 in Kansas City, Missouri and as you can see it was a clairvoyant dream for me because I didn't move to Arizona in the Desert until 2005. Sometimes dreams are prophecies and sometimes they are merely a story of your Self. The Dream Paintng reflects a Desert Scene and "Rainbow Spirit" is floating with her rainbow arching over the Desert with the cacti waving at her. The morning Dawn rises above the mystical clouds and the many little heart lights "shine" as Loving Spirits. You can also notice that "Rainbow Spirit" has the ability to float without any wings. That is what Spirit does it floats to all the hearts of the rainbow that you have Loved. When making this into a video I did the art animation and the musical score but something else assisted me. I had in succession two dreams of my "Mother" (she has passed away) who guided me in the creating the piano music. I told her I wanted to have an original score of music to go with the art work and she reassured me that it would be creative original work of art and music when I worked with my GarageBand software. It succeeds my expectations and in the process I was told to dedicate this to "Ruth" from Inspirations in Catlin Court Glendale, AZ for a celebration of Ascension near Easter. I found out about her death through my Dearest Friend in Arizona Beth Cornell. The third week of March has been very mystical with Saint Patrick's Day, Spring Equinox, The Full Moon and Good Friday and then Easter Sunday. This video is an essence of Eternity and in my "Dream Vision" all the beautiful Love I have ever experienced with Ruth and in friendships, family and with my Beloved and the thin veil of the "Ethereal" reflect the "Rainbow Spirit" of the "NOW" and the hereafter for us All.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed Rainbow Spirit, because, I think, you have done the music so well! Very inspiring. Who was Ruth? Nancy S