Saturday, February 2, 2008

"Flower Power"

The video this week is another music video. My longest video 4:20 sec that will take you back to the 70s. (that is if you are as old as I am) I grew up with "Flower Power" "Laugh In" "Make Love not War" and even "Tiptoe Through The Tulips" a song by Tiny Tim with his ukulele. My dream fantasy "Flower Power" is a moment in time to forget stress, anger, fear, doubt and darkness and give equal time to feeling "good". In this video I hope I touch you with my Spirit and make you happy and inspired with Light. Enjoy the present "now" and relax and see your own "Flower Power". With all the "green" thumbs out there that have the power to seed and bless the growth of flowers this video salutes you. When watching the video "believe" in "Flower Power"and it will grow the miracle of PEACE and seed its magic to the world!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed dancing in my seat with Flower Power! Really liked the spinning credits and also the font used. Great colors, images and fun rhythms combined for great entertainment! Thanks! I've had my workout today -- try moving to this! Nancy