Monday, January 21, 2008


This video is accompanied by my Apple GarageBand Music that comes with my iMovie which I did not compose. The graphic design in this video was created for a Jewelry Company. It was an oval wood ebony plaque and the graphic design was 22 karat gold and the moon was an Opal stone. The background of the ebony wood was an array of miniature diamonds. Then as some of you know I made it into a "Light Picture" Lamp. It was quite beautiful with the elements used and then I recently made it into a JPEG with Photo Shop and now today it is made into art animation for this video iMovie. My childhood dream was to animate and I never knew until now that doing this kind of work showing it to you and the public is an accomplished dream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Garage Band is pretty jazzy! You did a nice change of colors that went with the music (bright images, rhythmic music). This is about my favorite print of yours--I have a small version of it and I was glad to know the origins of your creation. Need to get it up on my wall! Nancy S