Sunday, November 11, 2007

"Rainbow Sun Goddess & Sasquatch Abduction"

Get your popcorn ready its a Double Feature this week. I am in an experimental stage at present working with YouTube understanding categories. The first category is a Music Video called "Rainbow Sun Goddess" with my own art and music I have created on a Music CD "A Musical Reverie" is a song called "contemplate". I hope you enjoy. My second attempt is "Sasquatch Abduction" a Comedy and Spoof of Big Foot and UFOs. Two totally different videos with the intention to enlighten you and to make you laugh!


Anonymous said...

Boy, you are getting really entertaining. So far I think Rainbow Sun Goddess is the most advanced work of your work that I viewed. You stuck with one image and let the music do the talking. I really liked the string sound esp. the rhythmic motives. It drives you to look deeper at the image. Nice job composing and editing. Nancy S

Anonymous said...

Sasquatch Abduction starts off like an Alfred Hitchcock, but then it becomes funny as it becomes less scary. You are having way too much fun doing this! I enjoy anticipating seeing how you will do the credits at the end. You never disappoint. Nancy S