Sunday, October 21, 2007

"The Heart of Every Sparrow"

The video this week is an affectionate overview of my Mother. She adopted a sparrow that had a broken leg and loved it as a pet and healed it. My Mother had many animal friends and could grow beautiful flowers with her "green thumb". She passed away many years ago but to this day she is connected to my heart forever more. Recently I thought it would make a wonderful video to create an old black and white photo image of my Mother with a transition of my color painting of her similar to the movie "The Wizard of Oz" where Dorothy opens the door to Oz. I also created piano music but did I? My Mother had a beautiful talent playing the piano. Did I channel my Mother's own piano playing? I believe when you love someone as deep as I love my Mother you "see" how beautiful it is to love eternal. Without love nothing else matters in this world or in the Universe. I want to thank my Mother for all that she is. She's my own Guardian Angel and Muse. This video is a tender, sensitive, warm reflection of my Mother and an ending showing the light of the Spirit within our own eternal loving heart.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the music so much and your Mom's black and white photo was very touching. Also liked the storyline. Nancy S