Wednesday, July 30, 2008


This is a celebration of a "One Year Anniversary" with this blog and YouTube. I am happy to tell you my Fine Art Music Videos are getting a bigger response and they keep me very busy. I have over 200 videos at YouTube and additional websites from all over the world. Thank You to All who have read my blog and to All of you who have given me response, comment and inspiration in the presentation of my videos. This week is a Double Feature: "Autumn Sunset" and "Comet".

Friday, July 25, 2008

Spirit Wings

This video is a music video and its taking people's interest. Sit back relax and enjoy. My blog is coming to a One Year Anniversary and I will have a special blog coming up next week. Blessings Everyone.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Mother Earth

This video "Mother Earth" is being well received everywhere. It was posted quite awhile back. If I touch your heart for just a few minutes we can send this idea or thought into the Universe for the soil we stand on and the sustenance of our very own "Life". How much have we taken her for granted? Bless us all for a better future giving the most important energy and prayer to our "Mother Earth".

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Red Planets

This week's video is a visual and sound meditation of a surreal Universe somewhere outside our Solar System. Its a Fine Art Computer Generated Image that is animated. The music is composed GarageBand music with the intention to take you away from your own reality to experience this surreal galactic planetary system. Sit back, relax and enjoy!

Friday, July 4, 2008


This video is a "sound wave" and "visual" meditation. The sound track is created from my GarageBand software and it has 4 tracks named rotuma bells, shimmering flute, dub horns and fontelina fifths that sounds like a spinet piano. Happy 4th of July to everyone and hope you enjoy the energy of this video. I dedicate this video to Joannes Sikora my Partner in Life, my Soul Mate of 29 years. As long as we both can remember we have discussed Angels and we truly believe that we both have "saved" each other from many hardships and decisions that our "Spirit" didn't have in store for us. We have become "telepathic" and "protective" to each other and in our relationship we "both" had to work very hard to be where we are "now" in our life. You can see Joannes Sikora Fine Art Pottery at this blog address on the web:

Friday, June 27, 2008

Sonic Nymph

Sonic Nymph is a Visual Fine Art Drawing of a "Nature Spirit Sound Wave Meditation". A Nymph is a mythological Spirit of Nature imagined as a beautiful maiden inhabiting rivers, woods, or other locations. My depiction of this Nymph includes a "Sonic Sound Wave Meditation" to focus the Spirit and Heal the Self. "Sonic" defined is: relating to or using "sound waves". This music is created and composed on my GarageBand software. Sit back, relax and enjoy.

Friday, June 20, 2008


This video called "Flora" is a meditative channel of my Guardian Angel. The name came to me before I created the video. Originally I was thinking of the quote "flora and fauna" and flora defined is: "the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period." Also, Flora, capitalized is defined as:"Roman Mythology, the Goddess of Flowering Plants." In 1999 a Psychic told me my Guardian Angel is my Grandmother "Flora" who is the Mother of my Mother. I dedicate this video to my Grandmother (German descent) 1902 - 1971, Flora Elizabeth Katherine Caroline Steinmetz Rutherford

Friday, June 13, 2008

"inner dimension"

This week is a meditative visualization of an "inner dimension" of the Spirit. This video is composed with GarageBand music with a double filter track that illuminates the special effects. My video meditation encompasses the intention of a superconscious moment in time. It is a Surreal Fine Art Drawing of an illustration of a "door" that can be entered through the light within each of us. This is an experience I share with you as a "vision" and as a "musical reverie".

I dedicate this video to Gini Wharton. She supports the Arts and Humanities and is a Published Poet. She is a good friend and has great compassion for Spirit and Nature.
Gini is a Media Consultant in Kansas City, Missouri.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

"Emotion" "Apathy"

A Double Feature this week including a continuation of the Black & White Drawings with RED series. This week's videos are about two interesting concepts of the human experience, "EMOTION" and "APATHY". "Emotion" defined is: a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others: any of the particular feelings that characterize such a state of mind, such as joy, anger, love, hate, etc., instinctive or intuitive feeling as distinguished from "reasoning or knowledge." "Apathy" defined is: lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern: indifference, lack of unresponsiveness, impassivity and dispassion. The Fine Art Drawings were created in the 70s when I was in my 20s. I was interested in human behavior and what I experienced I saw within my Self. I do believe that emotion can be connected to intuition which has given me an advantage in my "Spiritual Journey" where I can "feel" and "see" the emotion in others which help me make more compassionate decisions and direct my Self in blessing and healing others by not allowing my Self to participate in their "negative experiences". As a "Spiritual Being" I do believe in some emotion that is very positive for the Soul because if you cry and laugh within reason; "GO FOR IT" because it will "cleanse" the body and mind! I have experienced "apathy" and it is a condition that "Blinds the Spirit" and we all should make a "choice" to heal ourselves "within" from the actual "experience" of its abuse in environment, social status, politics and religion and especially "Spirit" which affects all people, family and friends. My Drawing illustrates a specific subject but does not reflect my personal "experience" except for what I have "observed". "Apathy" occurs under some prejudices, judgement, extreme dislike for many reasons that are personal to an individual and in the process if it continues we will suffer major social advancement for the future of our "Spiritual Humanity".

Saturday, May 31, 2008


This week a video of a Fine Art Dream Painting on masonite board that is painted with acrylic and florescent acrylic that glows in black light. A "Moonbow" is actually a halo of colored light around a luminous body caused by refraction through ice crystals in the atmosphere. The video of this Painting has technical camera moves, animation
and GarageBand music that I have not composed. Video duration is 3:30 seconds. If you ever get a chance watch the sky during a full moon to see a "Moonbow" and if your not able to catch one you have seen one in this video!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


The video "Portal" is a very "personal" experience for me. It illustrates the moment of "NOW" of a thin veil of dimensions that surround us at all times. When creating this video with animation it finally became "alive" for me. I experienced a "self-actualization" when my Soul recognized this "vision" and I felt that it was "home" in my deepest heartfelt feeling of a "journey out of body experience" as it came into view. My joy was emotionally tearful and the music melody assisted me to "experience" this eternity of time. I hope you can "see" and "feel" my experience in this video. This is a dedication to all the Souls in the Universe for "Memorial Day".

Sunday, May 18, 2008

"a Vision" "Nature"

This week is a Double Feature. I have been inspired to create several videos of my earlier art work of my black & white Fine Art Pencil Drawings with Animation and GarageBand Composed Music with "RED". They have different themes of surrealism, dream, metaphysics, spiritualism and supernatural energy. The first video is called "a Vision" of an imaginary apparition of "Great Love" appears through my sketching of this Drawing with onlookers of sweet animals and a girl. Several "symbols" appear in this video to make you more curious...The second video is called "Nature" and it is a surreal illustration of sweet animals, sounds and landscape of Mother Earth and her creatures. I was young and viewed the world through rose-colored glasses and still inspired to do so. I was a child that pondered on the unknown and was caught in my own "day dream" about the truth of the world. In the process I have never let go of my "vision" of the "world" and somehow through the years I have been able to "create my own reality" and proceed with some difficulty but in my own moments of "miracles" I have found that "Joy","Peace" and the "Love of Spirit within" does overcome many obstacles and much trial and tribulation. I hope these videos bring you to a "time" and "essence" of the "day dreams" and "surreal realities" I have personally experienced as a Fine Artist and most of all as "one small voice you hear in the distance" of your own "personal journey".

Saturday, May 10, 2008

"UFO" "Flying Saucer"

This week is a Double Feature! Two videos relating to UFOs. I was a big UFO Buff in the 60s and 70s. I probably have read about all of the famous UFO cases. It was so exciting to cut out articles from the newspaper and collect UFO memorabilia. I finally donated all of my clippings in a notebook to someone I met in Kansas City, Missouri that was a Director of the MUFO Network. All that history of newspaper clippings through the years was well worth my charitable donation. Each video shows my artwork that was conceived in the 70s. I have a very large box of artwork and I have kept all my doodles and drawings for years. I never expected someday these would be videos. The first video is called "U F O". The whole video is done in Black, White and Red because its charcoal and I added Red accents which creates a RETRO feeling. Its a Fine Art Charcoal Drawing I sketched about a Space Ship landing. There are some opinions that this visual looks like the "White Mountains" area of Arizona. I sketched it in 1975. The second video is called "Flying Saucer". It is a gouache Fine Art Painting of two E.T.s searching the landscape for specimens of the soil. This one is "most discussed" at YouTube which means it ranked higher than my other videos. It could be the special effects, the art, or the music or all combined. "U F O" has GarageBand Music composed by me and "Flying Saucer" has "special effects sound". Watch for the surprise ending!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

"Souls of Rapture"

This video takes you into a surreal Fine Art Dream Painting that was conceived several years ago. This video transports a vision of the Soul through an expression defined in my computer dictionary as: "Rapture originally referred to being raised or lifted out of oneself by divine power, nowadays it is used in much the same sense as ecstasy to describe an elevated sensation of bliss." "We all become bliss in the actual journey of our Soul." This is one concept to many more but in its visual intent I wanted to express in my painting what I experience as a "Soul" and as a Fine Artist.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

"Rainbow Smile"

Rainbow Smile is a metamorphose of humanity. We all are made of male and female qualities as a human and we all have light that radiates androgyny. Our social status is equal with different skin color, beliefs of politics, religion and different sexual orientations. To explain it is a mystery and in all of the passion of our living we find integrated love that blossoms in life with all people no matter what sex, nationality and orientation. Love makes us whole and in this reality it is true and real to ourselves and we all must see each other in a different light with compassion, respect, warmth and kindness. I bless all of us who struggle to be a leaf that floats freely in the universe in hopes of being comfortable and free with the flow of Nature and in the happiness of being true to the Self!

This video "Rainbow Smile" is listed under "most discussed" at YouTube. I dedicate this video to Beth Cornell my good friend here in Arizona. Beth is a Fine Artist, Web Designer and much much more. See her site: One of her paintings was accepted into the West Valley Art Museum Show starting May 16 - July 27 called "Celebrating Art of the West Valley lll".

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Here is a Meditation Music Video of a computer generated image I created a few years ago. It is detailed Fine Art Animation with composed New Age Music. The music is an audio split of two tracks in the middle of the video of the same melody with a surprise choir of Angels singing along in Part Two. Part One has two tracks "electric piano, swirling droplets" and Part Two has three tracks "steel guitar, grand piano and fiji afterglow" composed from my Apple GarageBand Software. Sharing this "video time travel" is an ethereal experience for me and I hope you enjoy.

Monday, April 14, 2008

"Sleep My Dear Angel"

This music video hits the beat and melody on target with special effects animating my "Dream Painting" called "Sleep My Dear Angel". Created with my Apple Computer software "GarageBand" the musical score has three tracks called "70's Ballad Piano", "80's pop beat" and "Steel Guitar". This video is listed at YouTube as "most discussed". The video was a joy to make because its "nostalgic feel" reminds me of a song you could listen to in a "Diner" while having lunch. I hope you enjoy.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


The video this week is a "Dream Painting" named "Raphael" created in 2006. A digital image of the painting animated with "new age" music. I have learn to create this new music with converter files on GarageBand Software of several tracks combined together called "angelic organ", "fontelina fifths" and "blipside" from a composed piano melody.
The name of the video is about the beautiful healing Archangel "Raphael" that you call upon to heal your Self in meditation or prayer. I hope "Raphael" brings you healing energies when you watch the video and helps you connect to this Beautiful Archangel. When creating the video I did feel a "presence" and had a beautiful large Moth (with beautiful markings) somehow land on my right shoulder in my Office where I work on my computer. It was big as my hand when I caught it to let it free outside my front door where it flew into a large Cypress Tree. It must have been a sign from the Universe so I hope I have succeeded in projecting the magical energy I felt in the creation of this video.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

"Mystical Art Tour"

This video shows more than 45 pieces of my art work including Illustrations, Abstracts, Fine Art Paintings, Light Pictures (electrified with Christmas lights), CGI (computer generated images) and some of my Fine Art Prints from original works of art done with my digital camera and Photoshop. My "Spring Art Show" a life time of work including "selected" experimental works of art from my creative imagination. Some are familiar and some have never been seen before....and there is more to go around....I hope you enjoy.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

"Rainbow Spirit"

"Rainbow Spirit" is a place of the Heart. "She will catch your heart and make you warm". This "Artistic Vision" was painted in the year 2000 in Kansas City, Missouri and as you can see it was a clairvoyant dream for me because I didn't move to Arizona in the Desert until 2005. Sometimes dreams are prophecies and sometimes they are merely a story of your Self. The Dream Paintng reflects a Desert Scene and "Rainbow Spirit" is floating with her rainbow arching over the Desert with the cacti waving at her. The morning Dawn rises above the mystical clouds and the many little heart lights "shine" as Loving Spirits. You can also notice that "Rainbow Spirit" has the ability to float without any wings. That is what Spirit does it floats to all the hearts of the rainbow that you have Loved. When making this into a video I did the art animation and the musical score but something else assisted me. I had in succession two dreams of my "Mother" (she has passed away) who guided me in the creating the piano music. I told her I wanted to have an original score of music to go with the art work and she reassured me that it would be creative original work of art and music when I worked with my GarageBand software. It succeeds my expectations and in the process I was told to dedicate this to "Ruth" from Inspirations in Catlin Court Glendale, AZ for a celebration of Ascension near Easter. I found out about her death through my Dearest Friend in Arizona Beth Cornell. The third week of March has been very mystical with Saint Patrick's Day, Spring Equinox, The Full Moon and Good Friday and then Easter Sunday. This video is an essence of Eternity and in my "Dream Vision" all the beautiful Love I have ever experienced with Ruth and in friendships, family and with my Beloved and the thin veil of the "Ethereal" reflect the "Rainbow Spirit" of the "NOW" and the hereafter for us All.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


"Distance" is a poem of the heart. Love is never far away within you and in the journey of your life. This one is listed at YouTube as "most discussed". My intention was to create with special effects to inspire a particular feeling with this poem. Hope you enjoy.

Monday, March 10, 2008

"Father Time"

This video is a surreal cartoon character of art animation. "Father Time" has all the "time" in the world. He can become bored or happy but has the power to change "time." Watch out for his scepter he uses it to measure your "time." He knows that every now and then "time" is wasted but most of the "time" he knows you usually get your important things done. Enjoy the fantasy of "Father Time."

Monday, March 3, 2008

"red nuggets"

The video this week is called "red nuggets". You will see why when you watch the video. One of a series of music videos that I have done with one subject of art animation that took on some technical abilities. The music is created with my GarageBand software with a particular idea behind it. Music is universal in its communication and the art animation makes it a musical meditation. I hope this one cheers you to a big smile.

Monday, February 25, 2008


One of the definitions of spirals is: a spiral curve, shape, or pattern, spiraling, Astronomy: short for spiral galaxy. "Spirals" a video for this week is a teleportation of art animation and music. Enjoy.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

"inner space"

This video is about the dreams within. A moment of now and the acceptance of your beautiful Soul and why you live and breathe. No judgement but peace with harmony of difference. Your inner space is the superconsciousness of intuitive inner voice. What journey lies ahead? Some of you are taking trips to other lands. Some of you are making life changes. Darkness compels the "light" within. Magic awaits inside you. Miracles are nearby. Each attempt of the journey we all seek the light within. I honor your difference and bow to you in your inner journey. We are bubbles floating in the Universe each attempting to follow our dreams of "inner space."

Sunday, February 10, 2008

"Orb Mandala" "flamingo dance"

A Double Feature this week for Valentine's Day! "Orb Mandala" is art animation with music composed by me. I will tell you this video has an essence of "supernatural" assistance when I was creating it. I looked up supernatural on my computer dictionary, (manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature. I hope this video moves you to the awareness of greater "being". I have felt in my life many supernatural occurrences including the manifest of miracles, self actualization, spirit guides, angels, angel orbs, fairy appearances and the list goes on. This is a superconsious, affirmative, visual and musical video to share a moment of eternity I have experienced in the "now".
"Flamingo Dance" is a light picture I have created awhile ago. It has art animation with my own composed music and is a sweet video of two flamingos that have danced through the storm of darkness and have become One in Love. Blessings!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

"Flower Power"

The video this week is another music video. My longest video 4:20 sec that will take you back to the 70s. (that is if you are as old as I am) I grew up with "Flower Power" "Laugh In" "Make Love not War" and even "Tiptoe Through The Tulips" a song by Tiny Tim with his ukulele. My dream fantasy "Flower Power" is a moment in time to forget stress, anger, fear, doubt and darkness and give equal time to feeling "good". In this video I hope I touch you with my Spirit and make you happy and inspired with Light. Enjoy the present "now" and relax and see your own "Flower Power". With all the "green" thumbs out there that have the power to seed and bless the growth of flowers this video salutes you. When watching the video "believe" in "Flower Power"and it will grow the miracle of PEACE and seed its magic to the world!

Monday, January 28, 2008

"visual odyssey"

The video this week is an avant-garde experiment that shows a special effects art animated meditation with music composed by me. A black slate screen with a light source to project an abstract esoteric journey of Spirit. We can experience the thin veil of a parallel world that all universal light comes from within our own Spirit including many sources and I can't mention them all such as ETs, UFOs, Angel Orbs and Faeries. If one special effect touches you it is a 5 second subliminal deja vu that touches the light within.

Monday, January 21, 2008


This video is accompanied by my Apple GarageBand Music that comes with my iMovie which I did not compose. The graphic design in this video was created for a Jewelry Company. It was an oval wood ebony plaque and the graphic design was 22 karat gold and the moon was an Opal stone. The background of the ebony wood was an array of miniature diamonds. Then as some of you know I made it into a "Light Picture" Lamp. It was quite beautiful with the elements used and then I recently made it into a JPEG with Photo Shop and now today it is made into art animation for this video iMovie. My childhood dream was to animate and I never knew until now that doing this kind of work showing it to you and the public is an accomplished dream.

Monday, January 14, 2008

"Butterfly Dreams"

This week's music video "Butterfly Dreams" is composed by me with art animation. It is a musical meditation and visual energy that can relax and inspire. My good friend Reverend Reiki Master Teacher, Cindy Harris, "Angels on Earth Healing Ministries" has posted my blog on her beautiful website. Take a look at her site at: (copy & paste into your browser)

Monday, January 7, 2008

"Angel Heart"

This video is a Valentine. Think about an exceptional person that is outstanding when it comes to love, compassion, friendship and generousity of the Spirit. Love is so magical and healing and that's what life is made of. There are many "Angel Hearts" out there and this could also mean larger than life itself....Angels....I love my Angels that watch over me and also the Guardian Angels in human form. Angel Heart celebrates Love that stands out of the ordinary!