Monday, November 26, 2007

"in the storm of darkness"

This week a video to help one think about words as a cause and effect theory. I am sure you have heard of "you are what you think". What happens when one is caught off guard? Does anger rule your life? As in the movie "The Secret" do we get all what we think and say? My objective is to illustrate and to inspire you as the Viewer that everything you think in your mind can be a manifest of your reality. My introduction is objective and non-personal to inspire everyone. In this video metaphor the Spirit of light saves us "in the storm of darkness".

Monday, November 19, 2007


We are always inviting the dark taunting it and immersing in it and sometimes we are not aware of the light of Spirit. However darkness invites light and light invites darkness. Its a constant reminder that we are all human. Eventually we will conquer the darkness as the light saves us from the Earth as we ascend to another Spiritual plane of existence. Its the Holiday Season and this is the first video to celebrate the Spirit of the light within us all! "with darkness there is light"

Sunday, November 11, 2007

"Rainbow Sun Goddess & Sasquatch Abduction"

Get your popcorn ready its a Double Feature this week. I am in an experimental stage at present working with YouTube understanding categories. The first category is a Music Video called "Rainbow Sun Goddess" with my own art and music I have created on a Music CD "A Musical Reverie" is a song called "contemplate". I hope you enjoy. My second attempt is "Sasquatch Abduction" a Comedy and Spoof of Big Foot and UFOs. Two totally different videos with the intention to enlighten you and to make you laugh!

Monday, November 5, 2007

"Angel Orb"

Hello Everyone,

This week we have two videos that really work together "Your Beautiful Heart" and "Angel Orb". Be sure to see them both! A year ago in 2006 I took a digital photo of a really large "Angel Orb" in our home. If you do any searches on it on Google you will come up with many hits of the mystery occurring over the Earth like the "Angel Orb". I wanted to show you this phenomenom for your own understanding and reflection. Angels do exist!

"Your Beautiful Heart"

A poem of the Spiritual Self. Lets affirm YOU the Viewer. A day with a positive blessing for your beautiful heart! Look deeply into my video! Hope you enjoy.